1.   And a brand name, other than that of a blockbuster author, does not help.

2.   But publishers also say that a blockbuster author who writes too many books in a row outside his specialty could jeopardize his following.

3.   But the era of blockbuster authors, ubiquitous book superstores and online retailers has not been kind to the book club.

4.   The one area in which Clark makes very little money, compared to blockbuster authors like John Grisham or Stephen King, is in movies or television.

n. + author >>共 122
cookbook 30.64%
study 5.57%
celebrity 5.01%
book 5.01%
first-time 3.34%
horror 1.95%
science-fiction 1.67%
self-help 1.67%
woman 1.67%
software 1.39%
blockbuster 1.11%
blockbuster + n. >>共 164
drug 10.65%
trade 10.26%
deal 10.06%
movie 9.07%
show 3.55%
film 3.55%
product 2.37%
season 1.58%
merger 1.58%
hit 1.18%
author 0.79%
每页显示:    共 4