1.   It has not attempted any blockbuster acquisitions recently.

2.   Sprint has not attempted any blockbuster acquisitions recently.

3.   The bank aims to make its global network more efficient and to improve sales and service, a strategy the bank described as lower risk than seeking blockbuster acquisitions.

4.   The blockbuster acquisition will create an aviation behemoth that dominates markets for both commercial and military jets.

n. + acquisition >>共 171
land 10.65%
free-agent 5.98%
bank 5.42%
year 4.86%
offseason 4.30%
player 2.80%
late-season 2.24%
high-profile 1.87%
company 1.87%
language 1.87%
blockbuster 0.75%
blockbuster + n. >>共 164
drug 10.65%
trade 10.26%
deal 10.06%
movie 9.07%
show 3.55%
film 3.55%
product 2.37%
season 1.58%
merger 1.58%
hit 1.18%
acquisition 0.79%
每页显示:    共 4