1.   At the Orkin Termite Pavillion, right, a termite tube from the ground makes it way up a concrete block foundation into a crack, then inside.

2.   Mud tunnels are obvious on a poured concrete foundation, but they may be invisible on a fieldstone or concrete block foundation because the tunnels are inside these foundations.

3.   Q. Could I use Kilz to kill the stains on a concrete block foundation inside my basement?

4.   These will often stop minor seepage through concrete and cement block foundations, but I am not sure about brick basement walls.

5.   Where can I get it for large patches on my ranch with a concrete block foundation?

6.   Cut marks in the soft limestone suggest they felled the columns like trees and carted away the large foundation blocks.

n. + foundation >>共 173
community 7.77%
research 4.83%
charity 4.02%
youth 3.49%
science 3.49%
cement 3.22%
house 2.68%
library 2.68%
hospital 1.88%
art 1.88%
block 1.61%
block + n. >>共 325
road 11.98%
party 10.59%
wall 3.78%
apartment 2.90%
house 2.40%
trade 2.27%
vote 1.77%
association 1.39%
city 1.26%
cement 1.26%
foundation 0.76%
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