1.   One blast of throttle sends the traffic ahead shooting toward us like a warp-speed star field.

2.   Seconds later, when a larger blast sent flames shooting from the car to the awnings above, only the two bombers were killed.

3.   The blast sent a hailstorm of glass flying into the lanes around the building.

4.   The blast sent cinder blocks, bricks and shards of glass flying in all directions, causing broken bones, burns, severe gashes and trauma.

5.   The blast sent body parts and glass flying across parked cars ,shattering a balmy seaside night at the end of what had been a relatively quiet day.

6.   The blast sent Pat Pittler, an assistant in a dentist office, running.

7.   The blast sends the Moonbase Alpha crew, smartly costumed by Rudi Gernreich, leaping and rolling around the control center.

8.   The blast sent glass and bricks raining onto the courtyard and asphalt paths from the site of the explosion on the top floor.

9.   The blast sent rubble streaming like confetti across Astoria Boulevard and tossed firefighters about like rag dolls.

10.   The blasts sent tremendous echoes out of the narrow passage to his home just north of the canyon, where he had been asleep.

n. + send >>共 1025
government 4.44%
company 2.80%
official 1.67%
police 1.37%
group 1.35%
authority 1.27%
agency 1.19%
parent 1.19%
people 1.14%
country 1.12%
blast 0.45%
blast + v. >>共 259
occur 14.89%
be 12.17%
kill 5.04%
come 5.04%
cause 4.25%
go 3.71%
damage 3.45%
shatter 3.25%
destroy 3.22%
blow 3.02%
send 1.59%
每页显示:    共 48