1.   A labourer howls in the nothingness of the blank paper, which is also the empty, impoverished land.

2.   Hold on to all these smells until the evening, when you can deliver them up on to the blank paper.

3.   I was then told to go away and write down my entire life history on three sheets of blank paper.

4.   Needless to say, all that was left was a blank paper where all his hard work had been.

5.   Tears come to your eyes as you read the blank paper for what it can tell you.

6.   I found a pencil and some blank paper in her desk.

7.   After the twelfth dot, two thirds of the way down the page, the transcript of this long session tails away into blank paper.

8.   A downstairs hallway houses the copying and fax machines, laser printer and stacks of blank paper.

9.   Darkrooms, with their sense of alchemy, of turning blank paper into images, have a mystique that computers cannot match.

10.   His quill starts flying across the surfaces of his hitherto paralyzingly blank paper.

a. + paper >>共 1199
local 6.14%
brown 3.07%
legal 2.11%
daily 1.97%
new 1.64%
scientific 1.46%
recycled 1.45%
false 1.41%
wrapping 1.30%
the 1.16%
blank 0.45%
blank + n. >>共 212
stare 9.20%
space 6.26%
ballot 5.43%
slate 5.34%
page 5.34%
wall 4.32%
screen 4.23%
look 4.05%
canvas 3.68%
sheet 3.22%
paper 2.30%
每页显示:    共 25