1.   In summary, the L-arginine-NO pathway is present in guinea pig bladder tissue.

2.   Eventually the bladder tissue ruptures, killing the larvae.

3.   Intestinal tissue absorbs nutrients and water, for instance, while bladder tissue extracts chemicals and water for excretion, Atala said.

4.   They took small bits of bladder tissue from six dogs and grew the cells into artificial bladders in the lab.

n. + tissue >>共 134
brain 22.35%
muscle 9.32%
body 8.17%
breast 6.90%
lung 6.13%
heart 3.83%
nerve 3.19%
replacement 2.43%
bathroom 1.92%
bone 1.92%
bladder 0.51%
bladder + n. >>共 50
cancer 35.68%
infection 10.05%
control 8.04%
problem 5.53%
wall 2.51%
tissue 2.01%
function 2.01%
patient 2.01%
neck 1.51%
trial 1.51%
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