1.   Because operatic philanthropy has come to occupy such a central part of his life, Vilar is irked by the biting remarks directed at him in the press.

2.   Cross her, the smile freezes a bit as she cuts loose with the kind of biting remarks and cutting comments that have recipients checking for blood.

3.   Even the biting remarks carried a few strains of levity.

4.   Capt. Chris Fields cringed when he heard the biting remarks.

a. + remark >>共 674
opening 4.80%
similar 4.37%
public 4.28%
racist 3.49%
anti-semitic 2.91%
disparaging 2.78%
prepared 2.74%
recent 2.42%
brief 2.25%
controversial 1.50%
biting 0.13%
biting + n. >>共 133
wind 8.33%
cold 8.00%
commentary 4.00%
criticism 4.00%
humor 4.00%
insect 3.00%
wit 3.00%
satire 2.33%
people 2.33%
incident 2.33%
remark 1.33%
每页显示:    共 4