1.   All it takes is for an infected person to get bit by Aedes aegypti and the disease can begin to spread.

2.   Rather, people acquire the disease when some other mosquito, known as a bridge vector, bites an infected bird and then bites a person.

3.   When an infected tick bites a person and begins feeding, it can transmit the bacteria.

4.   All but one of the deaths occurred after the person was bitten by a bat, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported.

5.   If this person is bitten again, even months later, the resultant disease is dengue secondary infection.

6.   You need to want to bite the person wearing it.

7.   If he was crazy, you are winning and you bite this person.

v. + person >>共 639
kill 25.81%
injure 8.24%
arrest 3.45%
wound 3.16%
identify 2.40%
say 1.66%
take 1.50%
detain 1.32%
treat 1.23%
report 1.07%
bite 0.16%
bite + n. >>共 249
lip 19.00%
tongue 12.11%
hand 6.58%
nail 6.05%
ear 2.40%
people 2.40%
head 1.88%
human 1.88%
man 1.88%
fingernail 1.25%
person 0.73%
每页显示:    共 7