1.   You see, as Job Survivor I am sweating bullets by night, biting bullets by day.

2.   I suppose we did bite some bullets here and there.

3.   The Europeans have bitten that bullet.

4.   For how long can Thailand bite the bullets of higher interest rates before the entire economy comes to a grinding halt?

5.   The company has decided to bite a bullet now by setting a full loan-loss provision this year.

v. + bullet >>共 179
fire 25.45%
remove 7.05%
dodge 6.97%
take 5.45%
spray 5.15%
have 3.26%
find 2.80%
pump 2.65%
lodge 2.42%
use 2.35%
bite 0.45%
bite + n. >>共 249
lip 19.00%
tongue 12.11%
hand 6.58%
nail 6.05%
ear 2.40%
people 2.40%
head 1.88%
human 1.88%
man 1.88%
fingernail 1.25%
bullet 0.63%
每页显示:    共 6