1.   Pregnant women who have urinary tract infections have lower birthweight babies who are at risk for additional health problems.

2.   Southeast Phoenix has more low birthweight babies, who are more prone to respiratory problems.

3.   The study also linked environmental tobacco smoke to low birthweight babies, asthma and other respiratory problems.

4.   Cases of severe malnutrition have increased sharply as have incidents of low birthweight babies, the statement said.

n. + baby >>共 124
crack 6.12%
full-term 6.12%
girl 3.67%
bonus 3.27%
day 3.27%
low-birthweight 2.86%
birth-weight 2.45%
boy 2.45%
breech 2.45%
birth 2.04%
birthweight 1.63%
birthweight + n. >>共 2
baby 66.67%
child 33.33%
每页显示:    共 4