1.   A willingness to learn and perseverance are much more important than candles on a birthday cake.

2.   Can you blow out all the candles on your birthday cake?

3.   Commandant von Steinholz surveyed the blue and white birthday cake Leonore carried in, candles burning brightly, in the darkened room.

4.   Lucy had twelve candles on her birthday cake.

5.   Robin laughed with delight as the birthday cake was carried in.

6.   The Poole family, grouped rather self-consciously round the birthday cake on Earth, lapsed into a sudden silence.

7.   Vivid memories of her childhood holidays go on and on about birthday cakes, pumpkin pies, fruitcakes, and homemade candy.

8.   Von Steinholz plunged the knife into the birthday cake and cut the first piece.

9.   Helen blew out the candles on her birthday cake.

n. + cake >>共 247
birthday 15.69%
crab 11.17%
rice 6.21%
carrot 3.72%
layer 3.39%
fruit 2.93%
potato 2.14%
apple 1.81%
funnel 1.81%
tea 1.47%
birthday + n. >>共 169
party 32.35%
cake 11.10%
celebration 8.87%
card 7.43%
gift 4.79%
present 3.12%
bash 3.12%
greeting 2.32%
dinner 1.44%
boy 1.36%
每页显示:    共 138