1.   Authors of the legislation disagree but say they are willing to consider revisions to build support for a measure that already has solid bipartisan backing.

2.   Berlusconi could not get bipartisan backing without explicit support for Palestine, Guzzanti said.

3.   But supporters of the measure have brokered new compromises, including watering down challenges to existing patents, to win broad bipartisan backing for the legislation this year.

4.   He has often pointedly asked for bipartisan backing for his criminal justice legislation, knowing that Democrats are fearful of opposing him and seeming soft on crime.

5.   He wasted the past two years, failing to use his bully pulpit to rally support for a treaty that deserves wholehearted bipartisan backing.

6.   In some cases, the boycotts enjoy bipartisan backing, while in others they are controversial.

7.   It demonstrated how a foreign-policy issue could retain bipartisan backing even in the heat of a campaign.

8.   Republicans like it better than Democrats, but there is bipartisan backing for this folly.

9.   Speaker-elect Bob Livingston, R-La., said the House would convene Thursday to pass a resolution of bipartisan backing of the troops.

10.   The Defense of Marriage Act passed the House last Friday in a landslide vote and has strong bipartisan backing in the Senate.

a. + backing >>共 377
financial 14.80%
strong 9.88%
full 5.07%
political 3.23%
public 3.12%
international 3.07%
military 1.95%
broad 1.48%
bipartisan 1.43%
official 1.33%
bipartisan + n. >>共 438
support 20.58%
group 6.90%
commission 4.96%
bill 4.49%
cooperation 4.23%
agreement 2.81%
effort 2.19%
compromise 1.90%
coalition 1.90%
legislation 1.75%
backing 1.02%
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