1.   Biological weapons a certainty in Iraq.

2.   Iraqi biological weapons mostly crude, but still dangerous.

3.   It was not known if other inspectors would also go to work at potential chemical and biological weapons sites.

4.   The decision came after U.N. envoy Rolf Ekeus told the council that Iraq consistently misled weapons monitors on the scope of its past missile and biological weapons programs.

n. + weapon >>共 43
heavy 13.51%
chief 9.46%
chemical 9.46%
biological 5.41%
germ 4.05%
taking 4.05%
evidence 2.70%
international 2.70%
ultimate 2.70%
assault 1.35%
biological + v. >>共 5
weapon 44.44%
be 22.22%
attack 11.11%
parent 11.11%
powder 11.11%
每页显示:    共 4