1.   Instead, it relies on manure, crop rotations, biological pest control and cosmic forces to put life back into soils and the ecology surrounding the vineyard.

2.   Concerns about pesticides leaching into drinking water have opened a debate over organic farming techniques, which instead of chemicals use natural fertilizers and biological pest controls.

3.   The convention plot was treated with chemical pesticides and fertilizers while the organic system used compost, manures, and biological pest controls.

4.   The leap in productivity is the result of new farm equipment, irrigation and progress in soil microbiology and biological pest control.

5.   FAO also noted that subjects like alternative cultivation methods and biological pest control were rarely taught in western and eastern universities.

a. + pest >>共 157
insect 15.07%
major 5.48%
integrated 4.66%
garden 3.01%
agricultural 3.01%
common 3.01%
exotic 1.92%
local 1.64%
biological 1.37%
new 1.37%
biological + n. >>共 486
weapon 27.29%
agent 5.87%
parent 4.71%
attack 3.38%
father 3.18%
mother 2.12%
diversity 1.78%
research 1.47%
material 1.37%
child 1.23%
pest 0.17%
每页显示:    共 5