1.   Dole said he and Sen. Joseph Lieberman, D-Conn., would introduce a binding resolution on the issue of the arms embargo early next week.

2.   If the union prevails, it would be the first time that shareholders have passed a binding resolution killing such an anti-takeover device, known as a poison pill.

3.   It was not a binding resolution, anyway.

4.   No concrete results, no binding resolutions, no timetable, no implementation.

5.   Three cattle-state lawmakers last week pushed for more, introducing a binding resolution to force the USDA to sell the grain.

6.   Primarily, Washington maintains that legally binding U.N. resolutions require that Iraq be completely disarmed before the oil embargo is lifted.

7.   But diplomats said that by incorporating the key actions in a legally binding Security Council resolution, all countries are now required to immediately implement them.

8.   But the United States traditionally opposes a leading role for the Security Council in Arab-Israeli affairs, and U.S. diplomats said they opposed any binding resolution.

9.   But the United States, which has veto power in the council, opposes any binding resolution on the controversy.

10.   Council members insisted that Israel and the Palestinians immediately implement their legally binding resolutions making similar demands.

a. + resolution >>共 566
peaceful 7.63%
quick 4.49%
new 4.10%
non-binding 3.49%
similar 3.14%
council 2.98%
continuing 2.92%
final 2.44%
high 2.37%
nonbinding 2.08%
binding 1.03%
binding + n. >>共 199
arbitration 19.24%
agreement 6.22%
contract 5.18%
treaty 3.92%
resolution 3.69%
commitment 3.34%
decision 3.23%
target 2.53%
site 2.42%
limit 1.84%
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