1.   But when they were arrested in a billiard hall in Jackson Heights, they were dressed slovenly and carried no guns or money.

2.   He spoke of touring coffee shops and billiard halls.

3.   Restaurants, tiny hotels, billiard halls and dozens of brothels have opened in a frontier atmosphere.

4.   The atmosphere among the players is less tense than in a billiard hall.

5.   The case was broken when Caggiano and Segal were identified by an acquaintance who knew them from billiard halls.

6.   They opened an ornate clubhouse that contained a gym, tennis courts, a bowling alley, a billiard hall and turkish baths.

7.   Four of the victims were in a billiard hall when they were summoned by the gunmen and then shot execution style.

8.   Riot police searched coffee houses and billiard halls, frisking people and checking identification cards.

9.   The trouble started Friday when two skinheads entered a billiard hall where Cuban boxer Juan Carlos Gomez was relaxing.

10.   Witnesses said police and soldiers also fired live ammunition and rubber bullets at looters who robbed a billiard hall and Chinese-owned stores.

n. + hall >>共 227
concert 15.52%
convention 8.68%
conference 5.09%
pool 4.32%
exhibition 4.23%
lecture 4.23%
entrance 3.55%
banquet 3.33%
sport 2.99%
residence 2.69%
billiard 0.43%
billiard + n. >>共 14
ball 26.25%
table 23.75%
room 16.25%
hall 12.50%
parlor 6.25%
center 2.50%
club 2.50%
cue 2.50%
bomb 1.25%
computer 1.25%
每页显示:    共 10