1.   Although the bill would let a jury impose a life-without-parole sentence in place of the death penalty, it does so in a confusing way.

2.   And in a break from decades of pension policy, the bill would let owners reap tax benefits for themselves even if their workers do not participate.

3.   And the bill would let the Immigration Service rely on secret evidence in deportation proceedings.

4.   Another House-passed bill would let states prohibit the use of Medicaid funds for abortions for poor women who are victims of rape or incest.

5.   As amended Thursday, the bill lets such candidates raise more money privately, but does not provide for additional public money.

6.   A dispute over whether the bill would let the groups discriminate in hiring kept it from a vote Wednesday.

7.   A Senate bill would let passengers use portions of round-trip or multi-city tickets however they choose.

8.   Administration officials say the bill will let Congress dictate matters that should be the prerogative of the president.

9.   But competitors and consumer groups say the bill would let allow the regional companies, commonly called the Baby Bells, to monopolize the service.

10.   But the bill would let the local phone company enter the long-distance market with insufficient consumer protection.

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bill + v. >>共 493
be 13.78%
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