1.   At Miraflores Locks, a short film in English and a team of bilingual guides provide visitors with all sorts of canal-related facts and figures.

2.   Bilingual guides stationed at various points make sense of the maze.

3.   A bilingual guide proudly pointed out the boulder-sized adults in a sea pen.

4.   Coca-Cola also teamed with Nagano businesses to put together a bilingual guide book that contains key Japanese phrases, a map of the area and other information.

5.   There is a bilingual guide.

6.   Walking tours of the neighborhood, led by bilingual guides, will be offered through the summer, leaving from the information kiosk.

a. + guide >>共 619
local 3.32%
new 2.46%
spiritual 2.41%
comprehensive 1.83%
step-by-step 1.72%
reliable 1.72%
good 1.66%
useful 1.43%
fishing 1.32%
best 1.20%
bilingual 0.34%
bilingual + n. >>共 221
education 36.97%
program 9.16%
class 6.21%
teacher 4.79%
student 2.55%
sign 1.32%
ballot 1.32%
employee 1.12%
instruction 1.02%
staff 1.02%
guide 0.61%
每页显示:    共 6