1.   We also follow specially prepared bike routes, with little or no traffic.

2.   A free map of the bike routes for Santa Barbara, Goleta, Montecito, Summerland and Carpinteria is distributed at area bike shops.

3.   Coastal bike routes, even south of Portland, offer an incredible amount of good biking.

4.   Each of us had a different opinion of how to get out of town and onto the bike route.

5.   Eventually, the bike route takes you over a few city streets to Farrell Park and thence up to Overlook Park.

6.   For a break from the bike route, go to nearby Bok Tower and Spook Hill.

7.   Q. Can you recommend rentals and bike routes in and around London?

8.   Plans call for creating parks with trails and bike routes, restoring environmentally degraded urban habitats and enhancing open space.

9.   Ramsey is considering expanding bike routes north to Colony Square by allowing couriers to take their bikes on MARTA trains.

10.   Some worrywarts had warned us it would be impossible to find hotels along our popular bike route in June without having reservations in advance.

n. + route >>共 562
escape 9.22%
supply 8.44%
parade 6.17%
land 5.84%
transit 3.72%
air 3.66%
bus 3.19%
pass 2.26%
pipeline 1.82%
access 1.76%
bike 0.34%
bike + n. >>共 180
ride 11.07%
path 10.79%
shop 5.26%
trail 4.29%
messenger 4.15%
lane 3.73%
rider 3.60%
race 2.90%
rack 2.63%
tour 2.63%
route 1.66%
每页显示:    共 12