1.   Below right A male bighorn sheep with a particularly fine set of horns.

2.   Desert bighorn sheep are found mainly in rugged country.

3.   Four Peaks is home to black bear, deer, javelina, bighorn sheep, mountain lions and other animals.

4.   The bighorn sheep, very good to eat, was a logical source of provender in the hill country.

5.   Bald eagles make the mountains west of town their home, as do bighorn sheep.

6.   Bighorn sheep and deer also are seen frequently in the park.

7.   Bighorn sheep, deer, rabbits and even wild burros drink from the spring.

8.   Bison, elk, pronghorn antelope and bighorn sheep are among residents.

9.   A few years ago, an Asian disease reduced populations of bighorn sheep in the park and throughout the West.

10.   All along the route, be on the alert for glimpses of elk, deer, bighorn sheep, beaver, coyote, chipmunk and marmot.

n. + sheep >>共 37
bighorn 48.39%
desert 6.45%
herd 4.30%
baby 3.23%
merino 3.23%
big-horn 1.08%
blackface 1.08%
blow-up 1.08%
bypass 1.08%
churro 1.08%
bighorn + n. >>共 11
sheep 76.27%
decline 3.39%
lamb 3.39%
population 3.39%
subspecies 3.39%
classification 1.69%
curl 1.69%
management 1.69%
number 1.69%
rank 1.69%
每页显示:    共 45