1.   In that study, Yao et al described the inhibitory effect of intracerebroventricular bombesin on biliary flow and bicarbonate secretion in the rat.

2.   We have shown that after acute pancreatitis, amylase secretion was decreased whereas trypsin, lipase, and bicarbonate secretion were not.

3.   Bicarbonate secretion from the human oesophagus was therefore examined with an intubation technique and perfusion of the oesophagus with a non-absorbable marker.

4.   Rabbit oesophagus is devoid of these glands and does not secrete significant quantities of alkali, which suggests the importance of these glands for oesophageal bicarbonate secretion.

5.   Similar glands are present throughout the length of the oesophagus in humans and bicarbonate secretion has previously been found in human stomach and duodenum in vivo.

6.   Experiments were therefore designed to try to show the existence of bicarbonate secretion by the normal human oesophagus.

7.   Whether this response occurs only in symptomatic subjects remains controversial as one group of investigators have reported acid stimulated salivary bicarbonate secretion in the absence of symptoms.

n. + secretion >>共 47
enzyme 9.26%
bicarbonate 7.41%
gastrin 6.48%
amylase 5.56%
bile 4.63%
pepsinogen 4.63%
insulin 3.70%
alkali 2.78%
antibody 2.78%
histamine 2.78%
bicarbonate + n. >>共 13
secretion 25.00%
ion 15.63%
output 15.63%
concentration 9.38%
solution 9.38%
contamination 3.13%
determination 3.13%
excretion 3.13%
formulation 3.13%
hardness 3.13%
每页显示:    共 8