1.   Bush does significantly better among independent voters than Gore, but the vice president does much better among moderates.

2.   But Bradley did better among independents than Gore, whose base of support is among core Democratic voters, including union members and blacks.

3.   But Dole did better among self-described independents who watched the convention than those who did not.

4.   He consistently does better among older voters than the more numerous young ones.

5.   Lungren, too, polls better among more mature voters.

6.   Preliminary results from a Voter News Service exit poll were showing that Ashcroft did better among voters who called themselves independents, while self-proclaimed moderates favored Carnahan.

7.   The Bush campaign also takes Labor Day solace in the fact that he also does better among Electoral College voters than among popular voters.

8.   Walesa did markedly better among the elderly.

9.   Wilson did better among Republican voters asked for whom they would vote if the presidential primary were held now.

10.   Gore appeared to be doing well among female voters, while Bush did better among men.

v. + among >>共 1202
be 11.60%
choose 3.22%
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count 2.38%
consider 2.25%
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report 1.37%
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better 0.10%
better + p. >>共 32
than 58.55%
in 10.09%
off 6.58%
for 5.59%
with 4.39%
at 2.74%
on 2.19%
to 2.08%
by 1.21%
among 1.10%
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