1.   Even if he did not allow himself to betray his secret directly he might let slip something that would provide a clue.

2.   Without betraying any secrets, or identifying any particular people, can you give us general cases that would illustrate this?

3.   And though many clients are reluctant to discuss their ZMET results for fear of betraying company secrets, they have praise for the technique itself.

4.   After the book was published, Ortiz found himself ostracized by some of his own people, who felt that he had betrayed religious secrets.

5.   But Lee has previously stated that he has never betrayed secrets and that he transferred nuclear-weapons computer codes into an unclassified computer network to protect the information.

6.   But U.S. officials have said he betrayed vital secrets to the Israelis, who did not cooperate fully with investigators or return all the documents Pollard provided them.

7.   The alternative is to kill him and his mother lest in his innocence he betray the secret.

8.   A decorated British soldier of Serbian ancestry is under investigation for allegedly betraying secrets during his service with British peacekeeping forces in Bosnia.

9.   A friend she had confided in betrayed her secret.

v. + secret >>共 236
make 25.14%
reveal 7.35%
keep 6.83%
have 4.49%
steal 3.87%
share 3.79%
know 2.47%
leak 1.98%
learn 1.81%
divulge 1.63%
betray 0.53%
betray + n. >>共 289
country 5.04%
trust 4.90%
emotion 3.50%
presence 2.52%
interest 2.52%
confidence 2.52%
people 1.96%
sign 1.68%
secret 1.68%
hint 1.54%
每页显示:    共 12