1.   Carrots, spinach, kale, broccoli and sweet potatoes are among foods rich in beta carotene.

2.   For the general population, beta carotene is not a magic bullet.

3.   Or it could be other things in the foods that happen to be rich in beta carotene that provide the health benefits.

4.   So Potrykus used genetic manipulation to insert genes from the daffodil that encode the biological machinery for production of beta carotene.

5.   Take a daily dose of beta carotene which your body turns into vitamin A, as added protection for sensitive skin.

6.   Already, crop scientists have figured out a way to add vitamin A and beta carotene to rice, offering more nutrition to nations where rice is a staple.

7.   Although beta carotene has no taste, researchers are concerned that consumers in Asia might not like the yellow color because whiteness is highly valued in rice.

8.   And beta carotene fights against cancers of the lung, stomach and breast, and stimulates immune functions.

9.   And still others said that even if beta carotene did not help smokers, it would help healthy people.

10.   Basically, this is a carrot cake sans the beta carotene.

n. + carotene >>共 4
beta 97.09%
bird 0.97%
process 0.97%
weapon 0.97%
beta + n. >>共 65
carotene 28.41%
blocker 22.44%
version 7.95%
interferon 4.55%
software 3.13%
amyloid 2.84%
tester 2.84%
drug 1.99%
radiation 1.99%
supplement 1.70%
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