1.   My best wishes to Madame Zborowska and warm greetings to you.

2.   Our best wishes to his family and friends.

3.   Our best wishes for the future.

4.   Doreen Cowie was unfortunately not able to be present on the night, and sends her own very best wishes to Edith via our column.

5.   My best wishes for the start of your classes in September, good luck to those of you starting new classes and especially to our newly qualified teachers.

6.   She sends her very best wishes to everyone.

7.   At any rate, my best wishes to you for a digital future.

8.   My best wishes for your continuing good health, happiness and success for the next four years.

9.   The head of the archdiocesan marriage tribunal, Monsignor Ellsworth Kneal, sent his own very best wishes to the soon-to-be bride.

10.   As in the first visit, the diplomat conveyed to the crew the best wishes of the U.S. administration.

n. + wish >>共 350
people 5.68%
government 4.15%
parent 1.86%
company 1.86%
party 1.75%
fan 1.75%
member 1.42%
purchaser 1.42%
reader 1.31%
authority 1.20%
best 1.20%
best + v. >>共 267
be 38.18%
do 3.47%
come 2.39%
have 1.74%
shoot 1.41%
chance 1.30%
time 1.19%
wish 1.19%
get 1.08%
place 1.08%
每页显示:    共 11