1.   Betsy suggested that the best solution to the problem would be for her to take over command of Clytus and continue trading.

2.   In business, you take an overview of a problem and then think of the best solutions.

3.   Perhaps the best solution is to see the place as a play on words.

4.   Sleeping tablets are not the best solution to insomnia as they upset the natural rhythm of sleep.

5.   The best solution is to siphon off the discolored water and store it in the dark for a couple of weeks.

6.   The best solution was found to differ from area to area and enterprise to enterprise.

7.   The best solution would seem to be the creation of start-up workshops for small businesses.

8.   We are working together to find the best solution we can.

a. + solution >>共 983
political 8.40%
peaceful 7.66%
diplomatic 5.11%
possible 3.79%
best 3.29%
only 3.16%
long-term 3.01%
military 2.24%
quick 1.85%
negotiated 1.85%
best + n. >>共 923
way 7.61%
player 4.01%
friend 3.26%
thing 2.87%
chance 2.44%
team 2.22%
interest 1.65%
time 1.47%
record 1.32%
part 1.22%
solution 0.64%
每页显示:    共 244