1.   If the patient is terminally ill or dies, information about hospice care or bereavement counseling should be provided.

2.   They also provide marriage and bereavement counseling and make hospital visits.

3.   Vitas provides services such as hospice nursing, physician and social work services and bereavement counseling.

4.   While in Hong Kong, she is expected to carry out other engagements, including opening a bereavement counseling and community education resource center, her office said.

n. + counseling >>共 102
career 8.84%
marriage 7.71%
grief 6.58%
abortion 6.12%
drug 5.90%
alcohol 5.22%
job 4.31%
session 3.85%
health 3.85%
group 3.63%
bereavement 0.91%
bereavement + n. >>共 30
leave 17.91%
counselor 13.43%
fare 8.96%
group 7.46%
counseling 5.97%
camp 2.99%
center 2.99%
process 2.99%
rate 2.99%
service 2.99%
每页显示:    共 4