1.   The endoscopic appearance suggested malignancy in only half the cases and was compatible with gastritis or a benign peptic ulcer in the remaineder.

2.   This study analysed gastric mucosal DNA by P-postlabelling in a series of patients who have had previous vagotomy for benign peptic ulcer disease.

3.   Large cohort studies have indicated that one such group consists of patients who have had previous vagotomy for benign peptic ulcer disease.

4.   All patients were volunteers and all had had previous vagotomy for benign duodenal ulcer disease.

5.   Whatever the agent responsible, or its mode of action, this is another factor to be considered when selecting an operation for benign peptic ulcer disease.

a. + ulcer >>共 101
duodenal 26.57%
peptic 19.74%
bleeding 13.28%
chronic 3.51%
recurring 2.77%
recurrent 2.40%
active 1.66%
perforated 1.48%
painful 1.29%
serious 0.92%
benign 0.92%
benign + n. >>共 342
inflation 8.54%
tumor 5.94%
neglect 5.32%
view 2.48%
condition 2.23%
growth 1.86%
form 1.73%
brain 1.73%
explanation 1.49%
environment 1.36%
ulcer 0.62%
每页显示:    共 5