1.   The issue is whether the benefits justify the costs.

2.   Also, doctors have tended not to consider whether the benefit of tests justified the costs.

3.   But such marginal benefits cannot justify this sort of expense.

4.   Executives did not think the Web benefit justified any siphoning of viewers from the television network.

5.   First, they say, regulations should be imposed only after considering whether the health and safety risks they address are significant and the benefits justify the costs.

6.   Some aides to Clinton worried that the benefits did not justify the risks.

n. + justify >>共 338
end 9.09%
government 3.69%
official 2.84%
earnings 2.56%
administration 1.70%
result 1.70%
circumstance 1.56%
company 1.56%
condition 1.42%
evidence 1.28%
benefit 0.85%
benefit + v. >>共 279
be 48.18%
outweigh 4.00%
include 3.91%
come 2.76%
go 2.12%
have 1.66%
accrue 1.24%
cut 0.97%
fall 0.92%
seem 0.87%
justify 0.28%
每页显示:    共 6