1.   Additional output is and, as total benefit increases by, this permits an increase of the budget by the same amount.

2.   Premiums under Healthmaster may be, A, increased as the benefits increase with R P I, can they?

3.   Assuming that stock market growth tops the Treasury bond rate, the pool of money available for retirement benefits would increase.

4.   Backers of the agreement say it is a good deal because, among other things, player benefits increase dramatically.

5.   Benefits have increased by only a third as much.

6.   Accentuating the weakness was a separate government report showing the number of American workers applying for unemployment benefits increased last week.

7.   If the market improved, their retirement benefits would increase.

8.   It will become more readily available as interest in its flavor and health benefits increase.

9.   Medical and pension benefits have also increased.

10.   Meanwhile, benefits increased dramatically.

n. + increase >>共 1887
price 2.63%
company 2.41%
government 2.38%
rate 2.26%
number 2.05%
sale 1.73%
cloud 1.27%
cost 1.23%
pressure 1.22%
tension 1.22%
benefit 0.16%
benefit + v. >>共 279
be 48.18%
outweigh 4.00%
include 3.91%
come 2.76%
go 2.12%
have 1.66%
accrue 1.24%
cut 0.97%
fall 0.92%
seem 0.87%
increase 0.69%
每页显示:    共 15