1.   But as their benefits expire, workers say that the program has left them without new marketable skills.

2.   But those are public service jobs, and the programs will be hard-pressed to pay people salaries after welfare benefits expire.

3.   By the time benefits expire, the company should have a fully trained employee.

4.   Cobra health care continuation benefits now expire after a maximum of three years.

5.   Fearful that her benefits might expire, she regularly responded with small donations.

6.   How will foster parenting help recipients join the work force before their benefits expire under the benefit time limits of welfare reform?

7.   Hopefully, by the time benefits expire, people will have returned to their old jobs or found other employment opportunities.

8.   New York is one of a few states whose constitutions require them to take care of poor families after federal welfare benefits have expired.

9.   People who collect unemployment benefits, Shimer said, may look harder for work or settle for lower-paying jobs just before their benefits expire.

10.   She added that she hoped to start a child-care business with a friend before those benefits expired.

n. + expire >>共 307
contract 22.29%
term 9.41%
time 5.33%
deadline 4.05%
visa 3.94%
mandate 3.90%
agreement 3.50%
lease 3.14%
period 2.37%
law 2.15%
benefit 0.51%
benefit + v. >>共 279
be 48.18%
outweigh 4.00%
include 3.91%
come 2.76%
go 2.12%
have 1.66%
accrue 1.24%
cut 0.97%
fall 0.92%
seem 0.87%
expire 0.64%
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