1.   I agree with them that economic benefits will come from long-term policies of timing and continuity.

2.   The full benefits will come through during the next few years.

3.   An offeror could strike at a time before the benefits have come through and shareholder loyalty is at its weakest.

4.   Undoubtedly benefits are coming from those sorts of changes that come from the Health Service reforms.

5.   Although the improvement in survival was relatively small, longer benefits may come from trials involving newer immune drugs and surgery in advanced kidney cancer, Flanigan said.

6.   An added benefit came from fellow students around the globe e-mailing their international perspectives back to the virtual classroom.

7.   And dreams of early retirement for coalminers may be just that as the government funded early retirement benefits also come under attack.

8.   A surprising benefit comes in performance.

9.   Additional economic benefits would come from spectators.

10.   Albert R. Rodriguez, a Los Angeles lawyer who specializes in matters related to tax-exempt organizations, said tax benefits came with general expectations about public use.

n. + come >>共 1444
time 1.70%
announcement 1.40%
people 1.19%
move 1.18%
decision 1.11%
money 1.03%
attack 0.91%
report 0.77%
change 0.77%
call 0.64%
benefit 0.06%
benefit + v. >>共 279
be 48.18%
outweigh 4.00%
include 3.91%
come 2.76%
go 2.12%
have 1.66%
accrue 1.24%
cut 0.97%
fall 0.92%
seem 0.87%
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