1.   And then there are beneficial nematodes -- microscopic, wormlike, parasitic creatures.

2.   Bacteria, which are high in protein, are also swarming around those roots, eating plant sugars, and being eaten in turn by protozoa and beneficial nematodes.

3.   Now there are beneficial nematodes, which, if properly applied, can rid your squash patch of the loathsome vine borer -- and the lawn of grubs.

4.   Spray the foliage with neem, and to get them in the soil, apply beneficial nematodes or diatomaceous earth.

5.   The bacteria, which are high in protein, are a feast for protozoa and beneficial nematodes.

6.   The most common soldiers are ladybugs, trichogramma wasps, green lacewings, praying mantises and beneficial nematodes.

a. + nematode >>共 10
beneficial 35.29%
adult 11.76%
largest 11.76%
free-living 5.88%
living 5.88%
noble 5.88%
parasitic 5.88%
pathogenic 5.88%
right 5.88%
root-eating 5.88%
beneficial + n. >>共 189
effect 20.21%
insect 8.01%
rain 4.01%
relationship 3.14%
interest 2.09%
owner 1.74%
result 1.74%
bacterium 1.74%
impact 1.39%
use 1.39%
nematode 1.05%
每页显示:    共 6