1.   And there are few beneficial bacteria and fungi to break down nitrogen and make it available to plants.

2.   All of the yogurts tested are made with live, active cultures of beneficial bacteria, and the role of these cultures in health is now better understood.

3.   Children given milk treated with beneficial bacteria missed less day care because of illness than did those who drank ordinary milk, a study in Finland found.

4.   Over the years, Fleisher and his crew have built it up with compost made on the spot and organic fertilizers teeming with beneficial bacteria and fungi.

5.   Polyacrylic acid appears to do this without harming the vaginal lining or inactivating beneficial bacteria, according to Moench.

6.   Some researchers say douching may flush away beneficial bacteria.

7.   Some researchers say douching may flush away beneficial bacteria, while others say it may cause infections by propelling harmful bacteria and other organisms into the cervix.

8.   The antibiotics, however, kill the beneficial bacteria in the Preempt spray.

9.   They can kill other bacteria in the body, including beneficial bacteria that line the skin, mouth, throat and stomach.

10.   Unfortunately, the pasteurization that most commercial miso undergoes destroys many of the beneficial bacteria and enzymes.

a. + bacterium >>共 335
deadly 8.12%
harmful 6.24%
drug-resistant 3.12%
resistant 2.94%
disease-causing 2.85%
common 2.59%
dangerous 2.50%
coliform 1.96%
same 1.78%
intestinal 1.78%
beneficial 0.89%
beneficial + n. >>共 189
effect 20.21%
insect 8.01%
rain 4.01%
relationship 3.14%
interest 2.09%
owner 1.74%
result 1.74%
bacterium 1.74%
impact 1.39%
use 1.39%
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