1.   At the very least, no one benchmark test can provide a comprehensive assessment of a computer.

2.   Fitzgerald points to recent benchmark tests by the research firm Mindcraft Inc., which found Windows NT performs a variety of tasks faster than Linux.

3.   How do they know if benchmark tests are fair and accurate?

4.   If states can choose their own benchmark tests, some will inevitably choose dumbed-down tests that show them in the best light.

5.   It tests every portion of it, records the results and compares them to the next set of benchmark tests you run.

6.   It outperforms the Intel chip in many benchmark tests.

7.   Most of the campaign is based on the results of a Byte magazine benchmark test that measures how many times a second a microprocessor can sort some whole numbers.

8.   The Presario proved a solid, if not stylish, performer on our benchmark tests.

9.   After that, we ran benchmark tests to find out the hard disk performance.

10.   Servers are generally measured by how they do on benchmark tests audited by the Transaction Processing Performance Council, an industry group.

n. + test >>共 1190
drug 14.56%
missile 6.46%
cricket 3.76%
laboratory 3.65%
fitness 3.26%
urine 3.03%
polygraph 2.36%
lab 1.91%
field 1.69%
lie-detector 1.37%
benchmark 0.13%
benchmark + n. >>共 100
index 36.82%
rate 9.82%
yield 8.27%
stock 7.88%
bond 6.59%
security 2.33%
price 2.33%
share 2.07%
average 1.29%
test 1.29%
每页显示:    共 10