1.   Although our early behavioral observations often stimulated productive studies, they often misled us in our understanding of a specific phenomenon.

2.   Review your notes to make sure that behavioral observations are stated and are not arbitrary judgments.

3.   Another technique, behavioral observation, is also useful in determining what customers are trying to achieve.

4.   Again, designers relied on wild and captive behavioral observations.

5.   The film has more emotional subtlety and behavioral observation than your typical screamer.

6.   They have a nice flair for sweet characterizations, though no evident gifts for deep behavioral observation.

7.   This, at least, was the theory, one buttressed by abundant behavioral observations.

a. + observation >>共 485
close 3.67%
similar 3.19%
new 2.63%
medical 2.31%
direct 2.23%
personal 2.23%
careful 1.84%
detailed 1.68%
general 1.68%
recent 1.60%
behavioral 0.56%
behavioral + n. >>共 175
problem 22.15%
change 8.35%
health 3.58%
disorder 2.56%
economist 2.21%
economics 2.21%
pattern 1.70%
research 1.70%
genetics 1.70%
study 1.53%
observation 1.19%
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