1.   Placed in the middle of a field of alfalfa, foraging bees will fly tremendous distances to find alternative sources of food.

2.   Bees fly around, sampling various amounts of sugar placed in each flower by Real.

3.   But these bees fly across subdivisions and highways a few miles from the Tappan Zee Bridge.

4.   Huge bees fly overhead in the haze.

5.   Successive trips are of the same duration as earlier ones, but the bees fly faster, so a larger area is covered.

6.   The bees still were flying around the house late Thursday night, she said.

7.   Then, when the bees flew to the strawberry plants looking for food, some of the micro-organisms rubbed off on the flowers.

n. + fly >>共 1315
plane 10.81%
helicopter 8.85%
flag 5.78%
jet 3.09%
pilot 2.61%
aircraft 2.36%
airline 2.01%
team 1.75%
ball 1.42%
bird 1.38%
bee 0.10%
bee + v. >>共 131
be 17.78%
do 4.44%
pollinate 3.17%
have 2.86%
make 2.86%
sting 2.54%
fly 2.22%
come 2.22%
get 1.59%
go 1.59%
每页显示:    共 7