1.   As negotiations failed to progress during the day, the tone became increasingly threatening.

2.   A guest complaining about his bill at an upscale Times Square hotel became threatening.

3.   But as Ireland attracted larger numbers of immigrants, skin color became threatening to many.

4.   Feeling increasingly threatened, the drug makers are becoming increasingly threatening, openly hinting that they may refuse to sell here their future discoveries for treating AIDS or cancer.

5.   The atmosphere becomes threatening.

6.   The strike, in a sense, has therefore appeared to represent industrial action against a concept of Europe that has become threatening rather than inspiring.

7.   When life becomes threatening for Mollie, she takes off on alcoholic binges.

8.   Be prepared to move to safe harbor quickly should the weather become threatening.

9.   But if a prisoner becomes threatening toward others, he is moved to another jail.

10.   The man was finally arrested after his repeated phone calls and letters became increasingly threatening.

v. + threaten >>共 59
be 21.31%
become 8.20%
emerge 4.10%
use 4.10%
sound 4.10%
look 3.28%
consider 2.46%
make 2.46%
appear 1.64%
do 1.64%
become + v. >>共 273
bind 6.98%
act 2.64%
say 2.64%
follow 2.26%
be 2.08%
know 2.08%
win 1.89%
threaten 1.89%
read 1.89%
find 1.70%
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