1.   Paul Davison, director of strategic development at Rosyth, said he had become increasingly optimistic over the past few weeks.

2.   In the recovery phase, however, the level of aggregate demand is rising and consequently businessmen become more optimistic.

3.   Although other economic reports released Friday were mixed, analysts said the surge in confidence is a clear indication consumers are becoming more optimistic about the economy.

4.   Analysts are becoming increasingly optimistic about the prospects of computer-related companies, though.

5.   Analysts are becoming increasingly optimistic about the prospects of computer-related companies.

6.   And should an investor become optimistic about the market, he can recoup some costs by selling the option before it expires.

7.   As the power and abilities of stem cells become apparent, biologists have become increasingly optimistic about the chances for treating otherwise intractable diseases.

8.   But after the government issued its report on inflation and other data on industrial output and inventories, word came in midmorning that consumers might have become unduly optimistic.

9.   Computer stocks rose as analysts are becoming increasingly optimistic about their prospects.

10.   Even so, a handful of major brokerages -- most notably Morgan Stanley -- have become optimistic about the prospects of a Japanese recovery.

v. + optimistic >>共 15
be 78.64%
remain 11.36%
sound 2.70%
seem 1.70%
feel 1.18%
grow 1.09%
appear 1.05%
become 0.81%
prove 0.53%
look 0.32%
become + a. >>共 1097
clear 3.88%
involved 2.42%
popular 2.36%
available 2.32%
apparent 1.85%
common 1.79%
ill 1.68%
aware 1.38%
difficult 1.35%
important 1.25%
optimistic 0.10%
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