1.   In general, attitudes to science itself became more negative.

2.   In a rights issue, of course, there is no loss to the company, investors or underwriters, unless the rights price becomes negative.

3.   Five patients became negative for HBsAg.

4.   But many Republican voters said they were upset with the McCain campaign and said it had become increasingly negative, especially in the last few weeks.

5.   But when short-term interest rates began to rise, those spreads narrowed or became negative.

6.   In appearances Friday, Bradley suggested that Gore had become too negative.

7.   In Michigan, the campaigning became increasingly negative leading up to Tuesday.

8.   Instead, he witnessed years when budget disputes shut down the government, campaigns became sharply negative and trading accusations took the place of improving health care or education.

9.   It is certain that if the situation became negative between Palestinians and Israelis, the Arab world will return to its questioning and could revise the situation again.

10.   Or I could become negative.

v. + negative >>共 19
be 76.74%
prove 6.95%
turn 5.37%
go 3.79%
remain 2.47%
become 1.07%
come 0.88%
sound 0.88%
appear 0.32%
get 0.32%
become + a. >>共 1097
clear 3.88%
involved 2.42%
popular 2.36%
available 2.32%
apparent 1.85%
common 1.79%
ill 1.68%
aware 1.38%
difficult 1.35%
important 1.25%
negative 0.04%
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