1.   Along with bearish inventory data, warmer weather forecasts for next week are seen lowering demand and pressuring prices.

2.   Bearish weekly inventory data, along with moderating temperatures, pushed crude and petroleum products futures sharply lower.

3.   Prices continued to feel the pinch of the latest batch of bearish inventory data.

4.   The rise, attributed to short-covering, came despite the release of mostly bearish inventory data.

a. + inventory >>共 399
excess 11.47%
low 5.60%
lean 4.49%
large 3.49%
high 3.16%
rising 3.10%
bloated 2.38%
crude 2.11%
weekly 1.77%
higher 1.61%
bearish 0.22%
bearish + n. >>共 98
sentiment 22.10%
market 14.64%
outlook 6.08%
mood 4.14%
tone 3.31%
news 3.04%
investor 2.76%
view 2.21%
analyst 1.93%
fundamental 1.66%
inventory 1.10%
每页显示:    共 4