1.   As the nation watched, scores of reporters and cameramen beamed reports on live TV.

2.   For example, a station could use that extra chunk of space to beam traffic reports to radios with displays on them.

3.   Instead, they are watching reports beamed from Albania itself.

4.   TV stations beamed progress reports by the hour.

v. + report >>共 377
deny 14.08%
confirm 10.97%
say 6.26%
release 4.17%
receive 3.99%
issue 3.04%
follow 2.82%
have 2.27%
investigate 2.14%
file 1.94%
beam 0.02%
beam + n. >>共 112
image 9.96%
signal 5.69%
program 5.69%
message 3.56%
smile 3.20%
picture 3.20%
show 2.85%
game 2.49%
broadcast 2.49%
information 2.14%
report 1.42%
每页显示:    共 4