1.   Also favored is Industrial Light and Magic in San Rafael, Calif., which does computer-generated special effects for the movies.

2.   And when there was no American favored, the promos annexed Canada.

3.   Favoring a treaty are the main national environmental groups, who have spent a decade putting the issue on the global agenda.

4.   Favored are world champion Jamie Koven and Sarah Jones in the open category and Steve Tucker in lightweights.

5.   Favoring the measure are the insurance agents and all of Wall Street.

6.   Highly favored are damp basements, buildings with ceilings caving in, or lofts up five flights of stairs.

7.   Chretien is overwhelming favored to win another term whenever he calls a general election, probably in the second half of next year.

8.   Favored will be countries that adopt sound economic reforms and control corruption.

v. + favor >>共 50
return 12.50%
rig 12.50%
be 8.33%
draw 4.17%
weight 4.17%
pass 3.13%
say 3.13%
beat 2.08%
include 2.08%
redraw 2.08%
be + v. >>共 1041
go 8.23%
say 4.28%
include 3.27%
follow 2.62%
compare 2.38%
be 1.98%
give 1.39%
have 1.16%
make 1.16%
do 0.75%
favor 0.06%
每页显示:    共 8