1.   A complete range of enquiry services is available to personal callers - the variety is so large as to make description impossible.

2.   A new information service will soon be available to library users.

3.   A processional hymn is available to all.

4.   A range of specialist advice is available to Polytechnic students in general through Student Services.

5.   A third major source of short-term financing, commercial paper, is available to large firms with high-quality credit ratings.

6.   Age Concern believes that convalescent facilities must be available to all elderly patients who require them.

7.   All records were to be available to Cardiff city council to allow it to discharge its statutory responsibilities.

8.   All these services are available to the public free of charge.

9.   Alternative midland accounts and services are available to students taking these courses - please ask at your local branch for further details.

10.   An interest-free loan fund is also available to students who find themselves in unforeseen financial difficulty.

v. + available + to >>共 10
be 64.63%
make 32.05%
become 2.43%
remain 0.43%
break 0.14%
have 0.11%
leave 0.11%
discover 0.04%
keep 0.04%
want 0.04%
be + available + p. >>共 49
for 33.93%
to 13.55%
in 13.44%
on 9.78%
at 8.39%
from 7.51%
through 2.30%
by 1.67%
as 1.47%
until 1.32%
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