1.   You will need to clean the corrosion off the battery terminals.

2.   I found myself specialising in equipment like Alpine, Rockford Fosgate, JBL, Phoenix Gold, gold plated connectors, and even gold plated battery terminals!

3.   -- Be sure the battery terminals are aligned properly.

4.   After doing this, reconnect the cables and then coat the battery terminals with some chassis grease or petroleum jelly to protect them from further corrosion.

5.   Disconnect the battery cables and clean the battery terminals a couple of times a year with a paste of three parts baking soda and one part water.

6.   Do not allow the clamps to touch any metal other than the battery terminals.

7.   Remove the terminals, and brighten up all the metal with a wire brush-style battery post terminal cleaner and a baking soda paste.

8.   Touch the probes to the battery terminals.

9.   Under no circumstances make the connection to the negative battery terminal!

n. + terminal >>共 174
computer 14.93%
airport 13.32%
bus 12.27%
passenger 5.73%
oil 5.17%
ferry 4.84%
container 4.44%
lottery 1.86%
cargo 1.86%
export 1.45%
battery 0.73%
battery + n. >>共 184
life 17.60%
pack 11.98%
power 9.78%
charge 5.99%
charger 3.55%
maker 2.69%
acid 2.44%
technology 2.44%
cable 1.47%
backup 1.34%
terminal 1.10%
每页显示:    共 9