1.   Think about it, really, would you trust somebody who promotes their self in a bathroom stall?

2.   Among the soccer fields and basketball courts, there are buildings full of offices only slightly bigger than a bathroom stall.

3.   Another goes inside a bathroom stall to practice his draw and his take-charge attitude.

4.   At Phillip Morris, Kraft Foods and Miller Brewing facilities nationwide, brochures filled with domestic violence resources are placed in every bathroom stall.

5.   Brian, who claims to love no one, is perfectly comfortable enticing a client into a bathroom stall at the office.

6.   Even the bathroom stalls have silver stars on the doors.

7.   Girls produce samples in an enclosed bathroom stall, so that they can be heard but not observed.

8.   He entered a bathroom stall and found an infant only hours old stuffed in a toilet bowl.

9.   His hair looks like it has just swabbed a dorm bathroom stall.

10.   I had no business seeing her NAKED, especially since there was a bathroom stall several feet away.

n. + stall >>共 169
market 15.02%
food 11.31%
shower 10.66%
bathroom 6.30%
locker 3.72%
souvenir 2.10%
pit 1.94%
toilet 1.94%
fruit 1.62%
sidewalk 1.45%
bathroom + n. >>共 181
door 9.40%
floor 7.47%
mirror 5.55%
sink 5.44%
fixture 4.98%
break 4.87%
humor 4.64%
window 4.64%
wall 4.64%
stall 4.42%
每页显示:    共 39