1.   I.B.C. trades worldwide buying and selling basic commodities such as timber, coal and cement.

2.   Most arable farmers are nothing more than basic commodity producers.

3.   Subsidies remained only for bread and flour, dried milk and semolina, but price controls remained in effect for all basic commodities.

4.   Everyone agrees, however, that a few TNCs control the global trade in grain, as well as the trade in other basic commodities.

5.   In the transportation field, taxis and the most basic commodity of all, fuel, are based on unit cost prices.

6.   Asians have been its basic commodity for decades.

7.   A commodity as basic as a gallon of milk remains a prized household item.

8.   Businesses that are heavy users of paper, such as book publishers and booksellers, are also feeling the jump in prices for their most basic commodity.

9.   Cement is a basic commodity.

a. + commodity >>共 414
basic 10.16%
hot 5.84%
agricultural 3.63%
valuable 3.21%
essential 3.16%
precious 3.05%
rare 2.63%
higher 2.53%
lower 2.26%
scarce 1.95%
basic + n. >>共 771
service 2.97%
principle 2.42%
right 1.99%
skill 1.96%
need 1.81%
commodity 1.72%
information 1.67%
research 1.60%
question 1.56%
food 1.47%
每页显示:    共 192