1.   They heard her clatter down the basement stairs to her room.

2.   A back of the hand is usually sufficient, but sometimes a toss down the basement stairs is required.

3.   Hourly I forced myself down those basement stairs to check, but the flood never showed.

4.   I slumbered my way up the basement stairs to the kitchen.

5.   Once inside, police said, the suspect would push his victims down their basement stairs or bludgeon them with objects from their homes.

6.   She pulled her clothes back on, ran up the basement stairs and tried to open the door that Lorenzen pushed shut, she said.

7.   Suddenly, halfway through the list, a breeze started blowing up the basement stairs and across the kitchen.

8.   The dog ran to the basement stairs and barked furiously into the dark.

9.   The robbers retreated down the basement stairs at the back of the shop amid the wailing sirens of arriving radio cars.

10.   They said their thanks as they raced up the basement stairs, and I called my thanks after them.

n. + stair >>共 57
attic 9.68%
basement 8.87%
spiral 5.65%
bottom 4.03%
dugout 4.03%
iron 3.23%
cellar 3.23%
fire 3.23%
stadium 3.23%
subway 3.23%
basement + n. >>共 199
room 8.83%
apartment 7.13%
floor 6.05%
office 5.32%
ceiling 4.72%
wall 4.47%
window 4.11%
level 3.39%
shelter 2.30%
door 1.93%
stair 1.33%
每页显示:    共 11