1.   Increased basal serum gastrin is related to both atrophy and H pylori infection but not to ageing perse.

2.   Increased basal serum gastrin is related to both atrophy and H pylori infection but not to ageing per se.

3.   For basal serum gastrin as the dependent variable, three variables -- age, H pylori status, and atrophy -- were considered.

4.   For gastric acid secretion, basal serum gastrin was considered in addition to these three variables.

5.   Using multiple linear regression, atrophy had an independent positive effect on basal serum gastrin concentrations whereas age did not.

6.   Basal serum gastrin concentratiown was negatively associated with maximal acid output and peak acid output.

7.   Similarly, basal serum gastrin concentrations do not alter with ageing in healthy men.

a. + serum >>共 59
basal 11.02%
normal 7.09%
increased 7.09%
low 6.30%
total 3.94%
fasting 3.15%
high 3.15%
highest 3.15%
higher 3.15%
mean 2.36%
basal + n. >>共 38
serum 12.50%
secretion 10.71%
gastrin 8.04%
pressure 7.14%
skull 6.25%
output 4.46%
concentration 3.57%
diet 3.57%
oesophageal 3.57%
condition 2.68%
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