1.   Gershon and Tamir provided convincing data that an intraenteric barrier separates the myenteric plexus from the enterochromaffin cells in the epithelium.

2.   As the technical barriers between voice communications and data have begun to fade, so too have the business barriers separating the two industries.

3.   A concrete barrier separates the northbound and southbound lanes.

4.   A chest-high barrier separates it from the concourse on one side, and defining the other are glass walls overlooking airport operations.

5.   A metal barrier separates the evaporator coils and blower from the rest of the unit.

6.   A plastic barrier will separate waiting riders from the track, its doors sliding open to admit them when the train has halted in place.

7.   Lovers part and reach to each other or are separated by barriers of filmy fabric.

8.   Other barriers separate KUYI from listeners.

9.   While there is a legal wall between church and state, no such barrier separates organized religion from the broader culture.

n. + separate >>共 546
couple 3.75%
point 3.67%
police 3.32%
parent 2.64%
fence 1.53%
line 1.45%
force 1.11%
company 1.11%
wall 1.11%
soldier 1.11%
barrier 0.77%
barrier + v. >>共 183
be 36.43%
fall 4.27%
remain 4.27%
come 4.15%
prevent 2.76%
keep 2.39%
go 2.26%
exist 1.88%
have 1.76%
make 1.26%
separate 1.13%
每页显示:    共 9